Precision Valuation


Experts In Business
Valuation & Growing Business Value

Business Growth Coach™

We are experts in helping business owners grow the value of their business enterprise

Valuations for Business Sale or Purchase

We explain the details behind the value & make recommendations for negotiation strategy; our valuations exceed the criteria required by banks and SBA for business purchase loans.

Family Limited Partnership (FLP) Valuation

Extensively trained and experienced in valuations for FLP’s, we understand specialized issues of control & discounting that are critical to valuing FLP’s.

Estate/Trust Valuation and IRS Compliance

We have experience working with estate attorneys and providing valuations to meet IRS guidelines.

Valuation for Business Disputes

Experienced in legal disputes; work with your attorney to build the strongest case possible


We are experienced in Texas Family Law and understand key issues like personal goodwill, which is often critical in a divorce.

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